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Batya Weinbaum

As a lesbian feminist reader and art maker, I explore the relevance of the features of the Divine Feminine soul source as it enters and expands the senses and allows closer attention to who and how women's love has the ability to direct itself towards. My art, turned into cards, helps women searching for community and overcoming soul loss. My art in cards helps queer women access true love and recognize a higher path towards eliminating the limitations of living out of victimized positions in patriarchy.

Artist Statement about the Piece (s) Submitted
Title/Medium: High Priestess [Color pen and pencil]

"This is from a series of initial sketches for a tarot deck I just produced. I start small in pen, Pencil, and watercolor to capture the feel of the art and then enlarge to acrylics and assemblage. My intent with my art is to uplift the collective soul of the planet.."

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I have been painting since 8th grade when I won Artist of the Week and since then have exhibited and sold in museums and galleries in Baltimore, Ohio, Virginia, Massachusetts, Hawaii and New York as well as Florida where I'm a member of the Town Shores Artists Guild. I was an artist in Residence at the Museum of Motherhood in St PETES IN 2023.

Artist Bio

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High Priestess

Batya Weinbaum


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